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NXG Karting and Jordyn Cummings
Sept 2023


Rod Reid, Susan Lucas-Conwell and and Jim Barnes

Rod Reid, Susan Lucas-Conwell and and Jim Barnes

jordyn speaking-2

Jordyn Cummings Speaking


Jordyn comes in 2nd!


Certificate of Achievement

with Jim and Myles Row (_more in email)

With Jim and Myles Row

the start of the final race

The start of the final race.

violet wins her race and circles the traffic with checkered flag

Violet wins her race and circles the traffic with checkered flag.

with Jim Barnes (NXG sponsor), Violet Townsend and her parents.

With Jim Barnes (NXG sponsor), Violet Townsend and her parents.

me and jim barnes, NXG sponsor

Susan Lucas-Conwell and Jim Barnes, NXG sponsor

Slc with Jim and Dick Barnes

Susan Lucas-Conwell with Jim and Dick Barnes

me with jimmie mcmillan (the brickyard)

Susan Lucas-Conwell with Jimmie McMillan (the brickyard).

jordyn and mom 3

Jordyn with her mother and Susan Lucas-Conwell.

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